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Suzanne Sierra

Why put on another 9/11 concert? 'We need it.'

In 2011, a dedicated congregation of regional leaders representing arts and faith organizations gave life to a concert to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the World Trade Center tragedy. It is fast becoming a late-summer tradition.

That first concert was a standing-room-only success -- it was also a soul-inspiring, deeply affecting success.

Former U.S. Sen. John C. Danforth, in his role of priest-statesman, was a principal speaker; Christine Brewer came with her heralded voice, a voice that soars through any auditorium, but was especially inspired in the perfect acoustics of the Sheldon Concert Hall.

Although Danforth’s and Brewer’s contributions were remarkable on this day of emotional gravity and recollection, memorable also was the often-quoted passage in Isaiah about the miraculous friendship of the lion and the lamb, and little children leading all creation in the way of peace.

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