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Suzanne Sierra

Mosaic mentioned in Baltimore Post-Examiner on World Refugee Day

Today is World Refugee Day, and recent studies show that whether you build a wall, accept only the highly-skilled and educated, or skew for some singular trait, there is going to be more, not less movement of people looking to adopt a new homeland around the globe.

At the moment, the U.S. seems to be in an ambivalent stage about immigrants, with the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services earlier this year excising “nation of immigrants” from its mission statement, the Supreme Court ruling that immigrants in detention aren’t entitled to bail hearings and the high court skirting involvement with DACA, the Deferred Action for

Yet Texas, where immigration and the rule of law is being hotly debated, is “putting out a welcome mat” for new immigrants, according to the Dallas News.

Last year, Dallas set up the Office of Welcoming Communities and Immigrant Affairs with the sole purpose of helping immigrants and refugees thrive in the U.S., offering citizenship outreach Some might think the heartland, which Trump swept through with his anti-immigrant aim, would be the homeland of anti-immigrant sentiment, but then there is the St. Louis Mosaic Project. Originally called the Immigration & Innovation Initiative, when it began in 2013, this collaboration of St. Louis business and political leaders is focusing on immigration to remedy the region’s stagnant population and economic growth.

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